With the end of the pandemic finally insight, the United States is now facing a housing crisis. As the Covid-19 relief assistance ends, millions of Americans may soon be losing their housing. In other words, with the continued rising cost of housing, people are simply unable to find affordable homes.
This housing crisis hits especially hard with lower-income individuals and families forced to pay more than 30% of their monthly income to have a roof over their heads. Furthermore, according to the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, 1 in 7 households was spending half or more of their income on housing.
If interested in reading more about the housing crisis in the U.S., then head on over to Habitat for Humanity’s article on the 2020 State of the Nation’s Housing report.
What About Colorado?
Much like the rest of the country, Colorado is also facing a housing crisis. As well as the already higher cost of living in the state can make it more difficult to find affordable housing. The 2021 Colorado Housing Profile states that the annual income of a household needs to be $55,016 or higher to afford a two-bedroom rental home in order to not be a cost burden. That would be a full-time income with an hourly wage of nearly $27. Which is almost fourteen dollars over Colorado’s minimum wage.
According to The Colorado Sun, another major issue contributing to the housing crisis is that new owners and investors are converting places into work-from-anywhere homes or short-term vacation homes. This in turn is making it difficult for workers to find any housing at all.
The 2021 Colorado Housing Profile continues, saying that to be an extremely low-income household in the state of Colorado, the maximum income for a 4-person household needs to be $28,790 or lower. As of this year, 21% of renter households in Colorado are extremely low-income. And of those extremely low-income renters, 74% of them have a severe cost burden. Meaning they pay half or more of their income on housing.

Colorado Cities Hit The Hardest
An article by USA Today states that Denver, Aurora, and Lakewood, Colorado are some of the hardest-hit cities in the country. Not only has the median home price gone from under $200,000 in 2010 to over $400,000 in 2020, but the unemployment rate has also nearly doubled between 2019 and 2020. Both contributing to the housing crisis currently found throughout the state.
Another town on the brink of emergency, according to The Colorado Sun, is Frisco, Colorado. Located just 90 miles outside of Denver, this community is pushing for an emergency declaration around housing. And therefore, they hope to redirect funding to help towards the housing crisis in the city.
What Is Affordable Housing?
According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a place needs to be 30% or less of a household income. Anything more than that is considered a cost burden. In addition, those paying half or more of their income are in severe cost burden.
What Is Low-Income Housing?
Unlike affordable housing, low-income housing is generally regulated by the state through public housing authorities. There are many rules that must be followed in order to live in low-income housing. Which includes having to apply through the state as well as meet low-income requirements to be considered. Above all those in the extremely low-income bracket will be considered first.
Why Is Affordable Housing Important?
The 2021 Colorado Housing Profile shows that 38% of the extremely low-income renter households are those in the labor force. Meaning those working in the food industry, hospitality, retail, food service, as well as other similar careers. Colorado depends heavily on these individuals for the thriving economy. However, if households are forced to pay more than half of their income on rent they can’t afford other necessities.
Additionally, affordable housing helps families find a path out of poverty. As well as opens up many opportunities for the low-income. Above all, affordable housing makes for a better, more thriving economy as a whole.
Low-Income Housing
Here are a few places that are participating in HUD housing in the cities hit hardest by the housing crisis in Colorado.
1. Trolley Park: https://www.aurorahousing.org/residences-at-trolley-park/
2. Village at Westerly Creek III: https://www.aurorahousing.org/village-at-westerly-creek-3/
3. Peoria Crossing: https://www.aurorahousing.org/peoria-crossing/
1. Cedar Gardens: https://www.mwhsolutions.org/cedar-gardens.html
2. Indy Street Flats: https://www.mwhsolutions.org/indy-street-flats.html
3. Sage Corner: https://www.mwhsolutions.org/sage-corner.html
1. Holy Family Plaza: https://www.lowincomehousing.us/det/holy-family-plaza
2. Sunnyside Senior Apartments: https://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-search/Colorado/Denver/Sunnyside-Senior-Apartments/10010666
3. Franconia Apartments: https://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-search/Colorado/Denver/Franconia-Apartments/10010637
Affordable Housing
While these apartments aren’t classified as low-income housing because they aren’t working with HUD. These are some lower-rent options if you don’t qualify for HUD or if you need to get into something faster than the waitlist will supply.
1. Cherry Ridge: https://www.cherryridge-apts.com/
2. City Center Station: https://www.citycenterstationapts.com/
3. Crossroads at City Center: https://www.crossroadsatcitycenterapts.com/
1. 1600 Hoyt: https://www.1600hoyt.com/
2. Lakeview Heights: https://www.lakeviewheightsliving.com/
3. Lamar Station: https://www.lamarstationapts.com/
1. Arabella: https://www.arabellaapts.com/
2. Parkwood Plaza: https://www.parkwoodplazaapts.com/
3. Cedar Run: https://www.cedarrunapts.com/

If you’re looking for a new place to live in Colorado, then find your next dream apartment here. And if you’re looking for more reasons you should move to the amazing state, then be sure to check out our post on the reasons you should move to this amazing place.